community participation
Научные публикации (статьи и монографии) с ключевым словом community participation, выпущенные в Издательстве Креативная экономика (найдено: 1 за 2019 год).
1. Mohammad Mohannad Ai
Factors affecting community participation in heritage resources management in Syria // Экономические отношения. (№ 2 / 2019).
Despite the increasing attention of the government, the management of heritage resources in Syria remains ineffective in terms of maintaining the resources themselves as well as enhancing the economic and social development of local communities who are not effectively participating in the management of these resources and are even excluded from this whole process in many cases. This paper explores the factors affecting this level of participation by reviewing the already written literature about two cases where a community approach has been applied. It has shown that attachment to resources, trust between actors, support from NGOs and facilitative support of government would enhance cooperative behavior in the resource.
Mohammad Mohannad Ai Factors affecting community participation in heritage resources management in Syria // Экономические отношения. – 2019. – Том 9. – № 2. – с. 705-712. – doi: 10.18334/eo.9.2.40777.

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