Algorithm of introduction of the professional standard as main instrument of realization of personnel policy on the example of production company

Петрова Е.А.1, Макарова В.В.2
1 Байкальский государственный университет
2 Читинский институт Байкальского государственного университета

Journal paper

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Volume 5, Number 4 (October-December 2018)

Please, cite as:
Petrova E.A., Makarova V.V. Algoritm vnedreniya professionalnogo standarta kak osnovnogo instrumenta realizatsii kadrovoy politiki na primere proizvodstvennoy kompanii // Ekonomika truda. – 2018. – Tom 5. – № 4. – S. 1203-1212. – doi: 10.18334/et.5.4.39617.

Indexed in Russian Science Citation Index:
Cited: 2 by 24.01.2023

Practice of introduction of professional standards in many companies gains steam. Implementation of requirements of the professional standard in practice of personnel processes of the company it is multilevel process which will affect all components of personnel policy. As these documents are new in the domestic legislation, processes of their introduction demand careful study. For this purpose in article methodological basics of introduction of professional standards in personnel processes on the example of large production company are covered. The algorithm of introduction of professional standards on the example of two positions is offered: labor protection specialist and welder. Without looking, at the general practical questions of activity of any company, at introduction it is necessary to consider specifics of activity which are expressed in the name of positions and professions and also in qualification requirements. This algorithm can be presented in the form of step-by-step actions is adapted under a certain company.

Keywords: personnel policy, human resource management, professional standard, personnel of the company

JEL-classification: M54, M51, M55


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