Cognitive model of cluster as an institutional system

Колобова Е.А.1, Колобов А.Д.1, Теплова И.Г.2, Ягольницер М.А.1
1 Институт экономики и организации промышленного производства СО РАН
2 Федеральный научно-производственный центр "Алтай"

Journal paper

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Volume 11, Number 10 (October 2017)

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Kolobova E.A., Kolobov A.D., Teplova I.G., Yagolnitser M.A. Kognitivnaya model klastera kak institutsionalnoy sistemy // Kreativnaya ekonomika. – 2017. – Tom 11. – № 10. – S. 1039-1056. – doi: 10.18334/ce.11.10.38416.

Indexed in Russian Science Citation Index:
Cited: 24 by 28.06.2023

The relevance of the study is related to the growing role of clusters in the innovation economy and to the development of methods for assessing their efficiency for building an integrated system of regional cluster policy. The aim of the work is to represent the cluster as an institutional system of public and private economic agents that form the economic and organizational links and define the rules and principles of interaction, and to develop a methodological approach to modeling this system. Methods of research. Using the general principles of institutional modeling that consider institutions as parameters and factors of complex structured systems, the authors suggest a cognitive modeling technology that allows describing the system of interrelations between indicators and factors and presenting it as a weighted directed graph. The study of such a graph allows evaluating the impact of institutional factors on the general performance indicator of a cluster. Results. On the basis of the study of clusters of the Altai Territory (the Altai Biopharmaceutical Cluster and the Federal Research and Production Center "Altai"), we built a cognitive model of their institutional environment, carried out experiments, and provided their meaningful interpretation. The obtained results show the weak interaction between the cluster enterprises, their autonomy, the absence of unifying cluster projects, the weakness of cooperating center and the general cluster policy. This is a consequence of the insufficient development of the main institutions of Russian clusters such as the institution of cooperation; institutions of competition and partnership; institutions of coordination and communication. The research develops the range of methods of institutional modeling, allowing to receive quantitative estimations on models of qualitative character.

Keywords: institutional environment, cluster, institution, cognitive model, weighted directed graph

JEL-classification: D23, C63, C65, D02


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