Identification of factors affecting the efficiency of transition to high-tech industrial production

Береговая И.Б.1
1 Оренбургский государственный университет

Journal paper

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Volume 11, Number 5 (May 2017)

Please, cite as:
Beregovaya I.B. Vyyavlenie faktorov, vliyayushchikh na effektivnost perekhoda k vysokotekhnologichnomu promyshlennomu proizvodstvu // Kreativnaya ekonomika. – 2017. – Tom 11. – № 5. – S. 597-608. – doi: 10.18334/ce.11.5.37964.

Indexed in Russian Science Citation Index:
Cited: 4 by 26.03.2022

The urgency of the study is determined by the need to organize an effective transition to high-tech industrial production. In order to do so we suggest to identify factors using which or affecting which you may not only get the result that you want but also establish the degree of their influence. We think that it will allow not to waste efforts of the enterprise, but to focus on specific "problem" points. The article gives the results of the studies that have made it possible to identify the closeness of connection between indicators characterizing the intellectual and economic potential of socioeconomic systems. We revealed that intellectual capital has the most significant impact on the innovative activity of organizations. At the same time, the impact of economic factors is a little bit lower. The obtained results allow putting forward a hypothesis that in order to achieve more effective compromise of goals between high-tech production and its efficiency, it is necessary to develop an integration mechanism of the use of resources of investment, intellectual and research types.

Keywords: high-tech industrial production; innovative activity of organizations; macroeconomic indicators of innovative development; factors of the afficiency of innovative development; correlation coefficient

JEL-classification: O31, L21, O33


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