Innovative logistics strategies and their impact on the distribution network development

Дыбская В.В.1, Сверчков П.А.1
1 Школа логистики НИУ ВШЭ

Journal paper

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Volume 11, Number 5 (May 2017)

Please, cite as:
Dybskaya V.V., Sverchkov P.A. Innovatsionnye logisticheskie strategii i ikh vliyanie na razrabotku seti raspredeleniya // Kreativnaya ekonomika. – 2017. – Tom 11. – № 5. – S. 609-624. – doi: 10.18334/ce.11.5.37825.

Indexed in Russian Science Citation Index:
Cited: 8 by 31.03.2023

The article considers the issues of the impact of innovative logistics strategies on the designed distribution network development. We prove the urgency of this task for modern trading companies that develop their own logistics infrastructure. We determined the main external and internal factors that influence the efficiency of the distribution network. The paper reviews and analyzes the scientific articles of foreign and Russian authors devoted to the development of the company's logistics strategy. We present the systematization of logistics strategies. We also offer the author’s variant of innovative logistics strategies related to the distribution networks activities of commercial and industrial companies.

Keywords: design, logistics strategy, environmental factors, distribution network, systematization, reorganization of distribution network


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