Социально-экономическая безопасность внутреннего рынка России и методика ее комплексной оценки

Омарова З.К.1
1 ФГБУН Институт проблем рынка РАН

Journal paper

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Volume 9, Number 1 (January-March 2019)

Please, cite as:
Omarova Z.K. Sotsialno-ekonomicheskaya bezopasnost vnutrennego rynka Rossii i metodika ee kompleksnoy otsenki // Ekonomika i sotsium: sovremennye modeli razvitiya. – 2019. – Tom 9. – № 1. – S. 67-76. – doi: 10.18334/ecsoc.9.1.40538.

Indexed in Russian Science Citation Index: https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=38479963
Cited: 8 by 26.03.2022

Purpose: the purpose of the work is to provide meaningful analysis of indicators of socio-economic development of the domestic market of Russia and the development of methodological bases for its integrated assessment. Materials and methods: research methods are general scientific methods of analysis and synthesis. Methodological basis was open analytical materials; research on the analysis and comprehensive assessment of the economic security of the domestic market of Russia. Results: this article defines the role and importance of economic security of the domestic market of Russia, as well as the method of its comprehensive assessment. Conclusions: as a scientific problem, the economic security of Russia has been studied extensively and in detail. Meanwhile, the methodology of economic security can become one of the most important tools for justifying the rates and directions of socio-economic development of the domestic market of Russia, as it is based on the methods of forecasting socio-economic indicators, identifying the correlation between them, modeling certain areas of development of the domestic market, and in terms of content characterizes both the state of the economy of the domestic market and its protection from threats, and the effectiveness of the authorities. In view of the sufficiently deep and extensive elaboration of the topic of economic security, the present study focuses on the refinement of the terminology, substantiation of the practical significance of the methodology of economic security, as well as on economic and mathematical methods of integrated assessment, forecasting, modeling of economic security of the domestic market of Russia. Application: the findings and results of the study can be used to assess the economic security of the Russian domestic market.

Keywords: integrated assessment, economic security, domestic market, Russia, assessment methodology


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